BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//punkave//apostrophe 1.x//EN VERSION:1.0 TZ:0 BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:MEETING DTSTART:20160220T200000Z DTEND:20160220T220000Z DTSTAMP:20160127T163300Z SUMMARY:The Pickle Run DESCRIPTION:Warm up on the trails and sign up for a run #onthecircuit! The Pickle Run: Participants can choose one of two three-ish mile routes that run through Ridley Creek State Park, one paved and the other a more challenging trail. This is a prediction run, meaning runners attempt to finish the race closest to the time they guess before the start of the run. 20 uniquely dressed pickles (which have become equivalent to Olympic medals by Pickle Run regulars) are up for grabs. 10 are hidden throughout the course, while the other 10 are given to the top finishers. Other crazy prizes — like a VHS copy of Footloose and a Jar of Buttons — are given to the lucky few who find the hidden pickles. In case you couldn\'t tell, this race doesn’t take itself too seriously — just ask the pickle mascot who roams the course to provide hype for runners. There are two events, one on February 20th and one on March 19th to cap off the winter running season. Visit this page for additional information: Read about other winter runs it\'s not too late to sign up for at LOCATION:Ridley Creek State Park, 1023 Sycamore Mills Road, Media. UID:987 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR