BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//punkave//apostrophe 1.x//EN VERSION:1.0 TZ:0 BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:MEETING DTSTART:20160416T130000Z DTEND:20160416T140000Z DTSTAMP:20160316T194700Z SUMMARY:Delaware Gardens Community Day DESCRIPTION:Join UrbanPromise and partners for the Delaware Gardens Community day! Participate in tree-planting with the New Jersey Tree Foundation, a community flea market by either buying or selling goods, or bring your bike for minor repairs or maintenance from the Rails to Trails Conservancy pop-up bike clinic. Lunch will be provided at noon for all participants. LOCATION:UrbanPromise, 27 N 36th St, Camden, NJ 08105 (Parking Lot) UID:1026 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR