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404 | Not Found | sfError404Exception

This request has been forwarded to a 404 error page by the action "a/show".

stack trace

  • at sfAction->forward404Unless(null)
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/plugins/apostrophePlugin/lib/toolkit/BaseaTools.class.php line 721 ...
    1.    */
    2.   static public function validatePageAccess(sfAction $action$page)
    3.   {
    4.     $action->forward404Unless($page);
    5.     if (!$page->userHasPrivilege('view'))
    6.     {
    7.       // forward rather than login because referrers don't always
  • at BaseaTools::validatePageAccess(object('aActions'), null)
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/plugins/apostrophePlugin/lib/action/BaseaActions.class.php line 59 ...
    1.         return $this->redirect($redirect301);
    2.       }
    3.     }
    4.     aTools::validatePageAccess($this$page);
    5.     aTools::setPageEnvironment($this$page);
    6.     $this->page $page;
    7.     $this->setTemplate($page->template);
  • at BaseaActions->executeShow(object('sfWebRequest'))
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/apps/frontend/modules/a/actions/actions.class.php line 18 ...
    1.     // layout.php is infused with smarts to deliver the appropriate contents
    2.     public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $request)
    3.     {
    4.         $result parent::executeShow($request);
    5.                 $this->mapEntity $this->page->getMapEntity();
    6.                 if ($this->mapEntity->getType() == 'Trip')
  • at aActions->executeShow(object('sfWebRequest'))
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/action/sfActions.class.php line 60 ...
    1.     }
    2.     // run action
    3.     return $this->$actionToRun($request);
    4.   }
    5. }
  • at sfActions->execute(object('sfWebRequest'))
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/filter/sfExecutionFilter.class.php line 92 ...
    1.   {
    2.     // execute the action
    3.     $actionInstance->preExecute();
    4.     $viewName $actionInstance->execute($this->context->getRequest());
    5.     $actionInstance->postExecute();
    6.     return null === $viewName sfView::SUCCESS $viewName;
  • at sfExecutionFilter->executeAction(object('aActions'))
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/filter/sfExecutionFilter.class.php line 78 ...
    1.       }
    2.     }
    3.     return $this->executeAction($actionInstance);
    4.   }
    5.   /**
  • at sfExecutionFilter->handleAction(object('sfFilterChain'), object('aActions'))
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/filter/sfExecutionFilter.class.php line 53 ...
    1.     }
    2.     else
    3.     {
    4.       $viewName $this->handleAction($filterChain$actionInstance);
    5.       $this->handleView($filterChain$actionInstance$viewName);
    6.     }
    7.   }
  • at sfExecutionFilter->execute(object('sfFilterChain'))
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/filter/sfFilterChain.class.php line 53 ...
    1.       }
    2.       // execute the next filter
    3.       $this->chain[$this->index]->execute($this);
    4.     }
    5.   }
  • at sfFilterChain->execute()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/plugins/apostrophePlugin/lib/sfFilter/aCacheFilter.class.php line 96 ...
    1.     }
    2.     else
    3.     {
    4.       $filterChain->execute();
    5.       // Never try to cache a 404 error. Later we might consider
    6.       // caching them but remembering their status properly so it 
    7.       // doesn't magically become a 200 OK when returned from cache
  • at aCacheFilter->execute(object('sfFilterChain'))
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/filter/sfFilterChain.class.php line 53 ...
    1.       }
    2.       // execute the next filter
    3.       $this->chain[$this->index]->execute($this);
    4.     }
    5.   }
  • at sfFilterChain->execute()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/filter/sfRenderingFilter.class.php line 33 ...
    1.   public function execute($filterChain)
    2.   {
    3.     // execute next filter
    4.     $filterChain->execute();
    5.     // get response object
    6.     $response $this->context->getResponse();
  • at sfRenderingFilter->execute(object('sfFilterChain'))
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/filter/sfFilterChain.class.php line 53 ...
    1.       }
    2.       // execute the next filter
    3.       $this->chain[$this->index]->execute($this);
    4.     }
    5.   }
  • at sfFilterChain->execute()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/controller/sfController.class.php line 238 ...
    1.       }
    2.       // process the filter chain
    3.       $filterChain->execute();
    4.     }
    5.     else
    6.     {
  • at sfController->forward('a', 'show')
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/controller/sfFrontWebController.class.php line 48 ...
    1.       }
    2.       // make the first request
    3.       $this->forward($moduleName$actionName);
    4.     }
    5.     catch (sfException $e)
    6.     {
  • at sfFrontWebController->dispatch()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfContext.class.php line 170 ...
    1.    */
    2.   public function dispatch()
    3.   {
    4.     $this->getController()->dispatch();
    5.   }
    6.   /**
  • at sfContext->dispatch()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/web/index.php line 7 ...
    1. require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php');
    2. $configuration ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend''prod'true);
    3. sfContext::createInstance($configuration)->dispatch();
  • symfony settings ...

    request ...

    response ...

    user ...

    global vars ...