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Bridge over CSX R.R. Tracks, Schuylkill River Trail, Philadelphia
February 2013
Year 2012 Annual Report
This Annual Report documents a variety of accomplishments of Pennsylvania trail groups in the year 2012 as described by the Pennsylvania Trails Advisory Committee and its partners. It showcases successes and illustrates progress toward developing a statewide land and water trail network, one that promotes recreation, transportation and healthy lifestyles.
Pennsylvania Trails Advisory Committee
2012 Annual Report
Pennsylvania Trails Advisory Committee
In 1992, the Pennsylvania Recreational Trails Advisory Board (PARTAB) was created to comply with federal legislation governing recreational trails funding. The legislation requires states to have an advisory committee that represents both motorized and nonmotorized trail users and provides guidance in the administration of the recreational trails program. In 2009 the Commonwealth released its 2009-2013 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) which called for the creation of a statewide trails committee to help implement a land and water trail network for recreation, transportation and healthy lifestyles. In 2012, after a year of planning and deliberations with trail stakeholders throughout the state, the PARTAB was expanded to assist the Commonwealth in carrying out the goals and recommendations of the SCORP while continuing to meet the requirements of the federal Recreational Trails Program. A major responsibility of the Committee is to present an annual report to the Secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). The annual report details major trail accomplishments that occurred during the year. COMMITTEE MEMBERS Tim Karr, Chair, Snowmobiling Jeffrey Cernic, Vice Chair, Off Highway Motorcycling Thomas E. Baxter, Secretary, Bicycling Cheryl J. Allerton, Horseback Riding Eric Bruggeman, All Terrain Vehicles Silas Chamberlin, Trail Walking Scott J. Cope, Member-at-Large James H. Foster, Hiking Jodi Foster, Member-at-Large Andrew Hamilton, Member-at-Large Eryn Hughes, Mountain Bicycling Larry Knutson, Trail Building Phil McGrath, Physically Challenged James McNulty, Water Trails Steve Risk, Four-Wheel Driving Jane Sheffield, Member-at-Large Michael Stokes, Trail Planning Patricia Tomes, Trail Advocates Robert A. Watts, Cross Country Skiing Gwen Wills, Trail Training STAFF Matthew Beaver, DCNR Kathy Dimpsey, Federal Highway Administration Mark Hansford, DCNR Jeffrey Johns, DCNR Jacqueline Koons-Felion, PennDOT Jackie Kramer, Pa. Fish and Boat Commission Diane Kripas, DCNR Alexander MacDonald, DCNR Kent Taylor, editor, DCNR Vanyla Tierney, DCNR
Pennsylvania Trails Advisory Committee
2012 Annual Report
Contents Page
Western Region
Northwestern Region
North Central Region
South Central Region
Northeastern Region
Southeastern Region
 2012 SUMMARY STATISTICS New trail miles added 74 miles DCNR trail grant projects completed 88 projects DCNR and local expenditures on completed trail grant projects $58 million Counties with DCNR trail grant projects completed 30 counties Volunteer hours reported More than 4,000 hours Unique visitors to 50,832 visitors
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