Welcome to the official site for the Circuit!
The Circuit is a 750-mile https://connectthecircuit.org/network/ of bicycle and pedestrian trails connecting people to jobs, communities, and parks in the Greater Philadelphia Region. P2E (play-to-earn) games offer a unique way for many communities to make money by earning digital currencies. Players can earn playdoge tokens through gameplay, which can be traded or sold for real-world value. This model transforms gaming into a profitable activity, providing financial incentives alongside entertainment. To date 300+ miles have been built.
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Circuit in the News
Philly.com (February 26, 2016) Philadelphia's Schuylkill trail takes another big step
BillyPenn.com (February 18, 2016) How Jim Kenney wants to make Philly roads safer: Vision Zero and 'Complete Streets'
PhillyMag.com (January 28, 2016) The Checkup: There's a Cool New Rail Trail Project Proposed in Bucks County
Courier-Post (January 27, 2016) Miles of pedestrian trails coming to South Jersey
Bucks Local News (January 24, 2016) Newtown Township Supervisors delay vote on Rails to Trails project; schedules meeting on Comprehensive Trail Plan
Curbed Philly (January 21, 2016) 12 Projects That Will Make the Schuylkill River Look Very Different by 2026
Bucks Local News (January 19, 2016) Newtown Township Supervisors delay vote on Rails to Trails project; schedules meeting on Comprehensive Trail Plan
Tradeonlytoday.com (January 5, 2016) SureShade backs Philadelphia waterfront trail project
Flying Kite (January 5, 2016) A new park for Bridesburg on the banks of the Delaware
PhillyMag.com (December 31, 2015) The List of Lists: Property's Top 5 List Posts of 2015
Philly.com (December 30, 2015) Harrisburg is a 'real mess'
PhillyMag.com (December 29, 2015) The Five Biggest Philadelphia Transportation Stories of 2015
Courier-Post (December 27, 2015) COMMENTARY: Subaru can be a good neighbor
StarNewsPhilly.com (December 23, 2015) Final conceptual design of Bridesburg riverfront park revealed by DRCC and Parcs and Rec at community meeting
Philly.com (December 20, 2015) In Manayunk, a bridge to the past and the future
Uwishunu (December 18, 2015) The Top 10 Things to Look Forward to In Philadelphia In 2016
Curbed Philly (December 17, 2015) Bridesburg Park Master Plan Features Meadows, Rain Garden, & Boardwalk
Plan Philly (December 16, 2015) Delaware Avenue extension drives a path for proposed new park in Bridesburg
StarNewsPhilly.com (December 16, 2015) A new road in the River Wards
Flying Kite (December 15, 2015) New road means an easy ride between I-95, Bridesburg and Port Richmond is finally a reality
Philly Voice (December 13, 2015) New 10-acre park coming to Bridesburg
Daily News (December 13, 2015) Bridesburg bypass a 'godsend' for residents
Philly.com (December 13, 2015) Bridesburg's main artery gets bypass surgery
Daily News (December 9, 2015) New ramp extends Delaware Avenue
The Philadelphia Inquirer (December 9, 2015) Delaware Ave. extension opens
Philly.com (December 9, 2015) Delaware Ave. extension links Bridesburg, Port Richmond
CBS Philly/KYW (December 8, 2015) Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Held for New Extension of Delaware Avenue In Philadelphia
Philly Voice (December 8, 2015) Philly opens new major roadway for first time in decades
Curbed Philly (December 8, 2015) Philly's First Major Roadway Built in 30 Years Now Open
Philly Voice (December 8, 2015) Bike to Mount Moriah: A cyclist's guide to Southwest Philly's hidden gem
Uwishunu (December 2, 2015) Philadelphia Breaks Ground on Bartram's Trail, A 1.1-Mile Addition to the City's 300+ Miles of Circuit Trails
CBS Philly (November 23 ,2015) City Breaks Ground on New Batram's Mile Trail
Curbed Philly (November 23, 2015) Bartram's Mile Link to Schuylkil Banks Breaks Ground
Philadelphia Magazine (November 19, 2015) Schuylkill River Trail Update: Bartram’s Mile to Break Ground November 23rd
The Times Herald (November 16, 2015) Art works come to the Schuylkill River Trail
Philly.com (November 4, 2015) Business owners hope reopened Manayunk Brdige brings new customers
96.5 AMP (November 3, 2015) Manayunk Bridge Reopenes As Pedestrian/Bike Trail Across Schylkill River
Daily News (November 1, 2015) New Manayunk Bridge trail unites Philly & Lower Merion
NBC Philly (October 30, 2015) Reclaimed Bridge Trail Connects Manayunk to Lower Merion Township
Plan Philly/WHYY/Newsworks.org (October 30, 2015) Manayunk Bridge reopens today as a trail, a symbol of a changing economy
Uwishunu (October 30, 2015) Manayunk Bridge Reopens As A Pedestrian And Bike Trail Across The Schuylkill River
Philly Voice (October 30, 2015) Manayunk Bridge Trail officially opens
Newsworks.org (October 30, 2015) Manayunk Bridge reopens as a trail adn a symbol of a changing economy
CBS Philly (October 30, 2015) Manayunk Bridge Re-Opens After 30 Years, Creates New Connection To Other Trails
Philly Happening (October 30, 2015) Celebrate the Opening of the Manayunk Bridge Trail
Phillymag.com (October 29, 2015) Group Bike Ride to the Manayunk Bridge Trail Opening Tomorrow
CBS Philly (October 28, 2015) Defunct Manayunk Bridge To Be Converted For Recreational Use
Philadelphia Business Journal (October 28, 2015) DOT awards Philly $10.2M grant
CBS Philly (October 25, 2015) New Plan Aims to Improve Parks, Trails In Montgomery County
MontgomeryNews.com (October 22, 2015) Plan for Montgomery County trails, parks and open space unveiled
Triathalon Business (October 22, 2015) League of American Bicyclists welcomes new Executive Director
Flying Kite (October 6, 2015) Biking just got a lot better in Camden thanks to a new greenway
Mainline Media News (October 23, 2015) Manayunk Bridge set to open to walkers and bike riders with ceremony Oct. 30
Bucks Local News (September 29, 2015) Newtown Township Supervisors like Rails to Trails plan, but want to hear from adjacent property owners before giving its endorsement
Philadelphia Inquirer/Philly.com (September 25, 2015) Miles of bike trails opened in Camden
NJ.com (September 24, 2015) New bike lanes will connect Camden residents to more parts of the city
Courier-Post (September 25, 2015) Camden gets 4 miles of bike trails
6ABC.com (September 24, 2015) Bike Friendlier Camden
The Reporter (September 18, 2015) Montgomery County commissioners cut ribbon for Pennypack Trail extension
Bucks Local News (September 14, 2015) CHUGGING TOWARD A NEW USE: Next stop for defunct Newtown rail line in Bucks County may be as an 8.5 mile multi-use recreational trail
Sun Times (September 2, 2015) USA Today names Schuylkill River trail best urban trail in U.S.
The Mercury (September 2) Officials celebrate Schuylkill being named 'Best Urban Trail'
NBC10.com (September 2, 2015) Schuylkill River Trail Wins USA Today's 'Best Urban Trail' Award
CBS Philly (September 2, 2015) Schuylkill River Trail Named Nation's Best Urban Trail
Philadelphia Inquirer/Philly.com (August 22, 2015) Tracks from railsroads past seen as path to future
Bucks Local News (August 20, 2015) Newtown Borough officials to hear 'Rails-To-Trails' presentation in September
CentralJersey.com (August 20, 2015) County, LHT Set Full Moon Ride
PhillyMag.com (August 11, 2015) A Massive Number of People Used the Schuylkill River Trail Last Year
MercerMe (August 11, 2015) Lawrence Hopewell Trail and Mercer County Parks Commission to Host 2nd Annual Super Moon Ride
CBS3 (July 28, 2015) New Path on Schuylkill River Trail Opens
Mainline Media News (July 29, 2015) Montco Opens Schuylkill Canal Towpath
Mercury News (July 29, 2015) Montgomery County unveils $1.8 million connection to Philadelphia
Reading Eagle (July 29, 2015) Restored Schuylkill River Towpath "a gem"
Philadelphia Inquirer (July 29, 2015) Toughest stretch of Schuylkill Trail opens
Philadelphia City Paper (July 28, 2015) Philadelphia's Schuylkill River Trail named best urban trail in nation
Pottstown Mercury (July 28, 2015) Good things happening around Schuylkill River Trail
Visita.Today.com (July 27, 2015) America Has Voted: Schuylkill River Trail is the Best
PhillyVoice.com (July 25, 2015) Schuylkill River Trail voted Best Urban Trail in online survey
TimesHerald.com (July 24, 2015) Schuylkill River Trail wins 'best urban trail' in online contest
PhillyMag.com (July 24, 2015) Schuylkill River Trail Named best Urban Trail in the Nation
PlanPhilly (July 24, 2015) USA TODAY's 10Best: Schuylkill River Trail wins Readers' Choice award for best urban trail
PhillyVoice.com (July 24, 2015) Report: Demand increasing for Delaware Valley's multiuse bike trails
Philly.com (June 29, 2015) For bicyclists, tough road in the suburbs
Philly Voice (June 9, 2015) Five warm weather activites to do in Philly
Philadelphia Inquirer, Philly.com (May 15, 2015) Still room to improve this bike-friendly region
Newsworks (May 8, 2015) Robert Wood Johnson Foundation promotes "Culture of Health" in Camden, NJ
Courier Post (May 4, 2015) Camden Greenway beautified with trees
Phoenixville Patch (April 29, 2015) Phoenixville Celebrates Opening of Schuylkill River Trail
VisitPhilly.com (April 23, 2015) Top Reasons Philadelphia Is One Of The Best Biking Cities In The Country
TimesHerald.com (April 22, 2015) Montgomery County commissioners launch pilot bike sharing program with Zagster
NBC Philadelphia (April 20, 2015) New Stretch Connects Phoenixville to Schuylkill River Trail
Philadelphia Inquirer and Philly.com (April 17, 2015) Ceremony on Monday to mark new Chesco trail
Delco Times (April 12, 2015) Chester Creek Rails-to-Trails Project Nearly a Reality
Philly Mag (April 12, 2015) The Best Running Trails in Philadelphia and Beyond
NewsWorks (March 24, 2015) 5 family-friendly bike trails in Philly
Philadelphia Business Journal (March 16, 2015) William Penn, Knight foundations donate $11M for public space project
Akron Beacon Journal (February 26, 2015) Planners Want Towpath to link into 1,600 mile, five-state trail system
Newsworks (February 25, 2015) What green groups, cycling advocates want to hear from Philly mayoral candidates
Plan Philly (February 18, 2015) Interview: Acting PennDOT Sec. Leslie Richards on bringing a planner's perspective to PennDOT
Bucks Lower News (January 25, 2015) Morrisville supports grant application; funds would be used to eliminate "Bridge Street gap" on Delaware Canal Towpath.
Philadelphia Business Journal (January 23, 2015) Transformations: 50 Things That Will Change Philadelphia in 2015
Philadelphia Business Journal (December 18, 2014) William Penn Foundation gives $8.6 million for 750-mile bike trail project
Inquirer (December 17, 2014) Wm. Penn Foundation gives $8 million for bike trails
Plan Philly (December 17, 2014) DVRPC gets funding for bike trails from William Penn
Press Release (November 14, 2014) Montco opens Pennypack Trail Extension
Delco Times (November 11, 2014) Middletown vote brings walking trail closer to reality
Times News (November 11, 2014) $2M approved for Jim Thorpe footbridge
Main Line Times (October 30, 2014) Manayunk Bridge Trail makes serious connections
CBS local (October 28, 2014) Defunct Manayunk Bridge to be Converted for Recreational Use
Main Line News Media (October 28, 2014) Places We Love: Manayunk Bridge Trail becoming reality
Morning Call (October 25, 2014) Pennsylvania Leads Nation in Rail to Trails Miles
Northeast Times (October 22, 2014) Connecting the Community
KYW (October 14, 2014) Construction to begin on key section of greenway trail along Delaware River
Associated Press (October 6, 2014) Philadelphia's new boardwalk opens to joggers, bikers and more
Philadelphia Inquirer (October 2, 2014) 'Floating' boardwalk opens along the Schuylkill's bank
Newsworks (October 1, 2014) Schuylkill River 'boardwalk' opens (video)
Philadelphia Inquirer (Sept. 28, 2014) Phila's New Gem: A stroll on the Schuylkill
Unionville Times (Sept. 26, 2014) Phase Three of Chester Valley Trail Opened
NorthCentralPa.com (Sept. 25, 2014) DCNR, Partners Celebrate Dedication of Chester Valley Trail
Philadlephia Inquirer (Sept. 19, 2014) Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk Opening Soon
Philadelphia Business Journal (Sept 3, 2014) Philadelphia is 9th top U.S. destination says report
Daily Pennsylvanian (August 27, 2014) Schuylkill River Trail extension to improve connections
Newsworks (August 13, 2014) Plans for 9 mile trail through Wissahickon stumble over section of Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia Inquirer (July 27, 2014) Mt. Airy trestle stalls trail plan
Philadelphia Inquirer (July 14, 2014) Biking trails offer new paths for businesses
Philadelphia Inquirer (July 13, 2014) Radnor looks at expanding trails
NBC10 (July 11, 2014) Local Businesses Welcoming Bikers
Montgomery Media (July 11, 2014) Manayunk Bridge project gets the go ahead from Philly
Newsworks (July 7, 2014) Ambitious web of Philly region's bike grails gradually taking shape
Philadelphia Inquirer (June 27, 2014) Region's Tral https://connectthecircuit.org/network/ Gets $7.5 Million Boost
Philadelphia Neighborhoods (May 20, 2014) Waterfront: Cyclists Troubled by Delaware Trails
Plan Philly (May 15, 2014) Bike, Pedetrian Improvements connect Spring Garden Street, Schuylkill River Trail
Plan Philly (May 14, 2014) Connectivity at the heart of the "New Fairmount Park"
Daily Local News (May 1, 2014) County set to open new section of trail
Rails to Trails Magazine (Spring Summer 2014) Dream Team: How Rail-with-Trail is Transforming America
Bucks County Courier Times (April 21st) Heritage Conservancy gets grant to create walkable region
Daily Local News (April 6, 2014) Chester Valley Trail Development Continues
Cherry Hill Patch (March 25) Cherry Hill Adopts Complete Streets Policy
WHYY Radio Times (March 25) Bicycling Update in the Philadelphia Region
Plan Philly (March 24) Bicycle and Pedestrian counters coming to area trails
Philly.com (March 21) Montco Plans to Convert More Old Rail Line to Recreational Trail
WHYY (Jan. 23) Philadelphia will become more walkable, bikeable in 2014
Main Line Media News (Jan. 20) Radnor eyes new trails, bicycle routes
PLAN PHILLY (Jan. 14) Manayunk Bridge closer to getting a second life
PLAN PHILLY (Jan. 6) The road ahead: Transportation Predictions for 2014
UWISHUNU (Dec. 27) Looking Ahead: 14 Reasons You'll Want to be In Philadelphia in 2014
INQUIRER (Dec. 19) Welcome additions to Philadelphia in 2013
INQUIRER (Nov.14) Thirteen more trails approved for regional greenway
PLAN PHILLY (Nov. 14) Thirteen receive remaining trail funds
CBS3 (Nov. 10) ‘The Circuit Coalition’ Asks For Funding To Continue Building Regional Trail https://connectthecircuit.org/network/
INQUIRER (Nov. 8) Regional Trail https://connectthecircuit.org/network/ Taking Shape
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