A new plan adopted by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has big impliations for connecting The Circuit.
On July 30th the DVRPC Board adopted Connections 2040 Plan for Greater Philadelphia. Connections 2040 is the long-range plan for the future growth and development of the DVRPC region. The plan includes land use, environmental, economic competitiveness, and transportation strategies, and puts forth a vision for investing in our transportation system.
The DVRPC plan looks ahead 25 years, and by law it must update that plan every 5 years. A key component of these plans is the list of major regional projects, which are the plan's largest and most significant set of identified projects. To accommodate The Circuit DVRPC created a new sub-category called "major regional bicycle and pedestrian projects." According to the plan there is enough funding available (based on current projections) to pay for about 75% of The Circuit by 2040 ($128M for PA and $99M for NJ).
The inclusion of The Circuit in this group of projects is a big win; the long-range plan has in effect set a target for investment. This makes the goals for the Circuit Committment campaign ($10M over the next 3 years) seem quite modest. But in reality most of the "shovel ready" trail projects are already in the pipeline for development. What is needed now is a big project design push to accellerate trail development over the next decade.