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Paoli Pike Trail Open House and Project Presentation Set for June 16

On Tuesday, June 16 area trail users are invited to participate in the planning of a multiuse, off-road trail spanning the East Goshen Township along Paoli Pike. The trail was recommended in the 2013 Chester County Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation Plan (see here). There is hope that this will be the first step in an off-road trail linking West Chester, Malvern and Paoli, so come out and join us! 

Beginning at 6:00 p.m., the township's consultants, McMahon Associations, will present for comment a preferred alignment and general design at the township building (located at 1580 Paoli Pike). Following the Open House, there will be another presentation during the Board of Supervisors meeting at 7:00 p.m. 

A public comment period on the Trail Conceptual Plan is scheduled in September.  The Feasibility and Master Plan project is scheduled for completion in December.  It is anticipated the township will apply for grants in 2016 to fund the next steps in creating the trail.