Since May 2014, the PA counties have been working to strategically prioritize segments of the Circuit. As a result of this work, a number of these projects are being nominated to receive Regional Trail Program funding for design and engineering, construction, or additional study. The nominations will be up for approval at the June 2015 DVRPC Board meeting. If approved, this phase will distribute almost $1.4 million in funding.
The PA counties have also sought to identify projects that could be placed on the PA Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which is the 5 counties' transportation capital budget program. An action will be introduced at the June 2015 Board meeting to create a Circuit line item on the TIP. Seven high-priority trail projects deemed ready for design have been identified for inclusion in this line item.
The DVRPC Board is poised to dedicate $5 M of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds to that line item for the construction of the projects. Identified projects will be eligible to use those funds for construction. They will also work through the PennDOT process during design, making them well-positioned to compete for future federal construction funding sources.
In addition, six of the seven projects in the line item will receive Regional Trails Program funding to pay for design and engineering. Finally, it should be noted that approximately $9.5 million in construction funds are already programmed for the Chester Valley Trail Extension. This project is included among the seven because it has been nominated to receive supplemental funding for design and engineering from the Regional Trails Program.
The PA Circuit TIP Projects will be:
Philadelphia - 1) Pennypack Trail - State & Rhawn Crossing
2) Cobbs Creek Segment D– 84th Street to entrance of John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge along Lindberg Blvd.
3) Spring Garden Street Greenway - Final Preliminary Design
Montco - 4) Chester Valley Trail Extension
5) Pennypack Trail - Byberry Road to County Line Road
Bucks - 6) Newtown Branch (Southampton section)
7) Bridge Street Crossing – D&L Canal Towpath
The following projects will receive Regional Trail Program Round 2 funds for construction or study, but will not be placed onto the TIP: