At its November Borough Council meeting, Pitman, NJ became the fourth municipality and the eighth organization to pass a resolution supporting the Circuit. The resolution specifically encourages Gloucester County to allocate funds to support planning, design and construction of trails within the County. The Circuit Coalition greatly appreciates the Borough's strong support for the completion of a regional trail network. Thanks to John Fitzpatrick for sending us a copy of the Resolution and to the advocates in Gloucester County who helped make this happen.
3 cheers for Wenonah! The tiny borough in Gloucester County became the first municipality to adopt a resolution to support more funding for completing the Circuit. Our thanks goes out to Borough Council, Scott Barnes of the Wenonah Environmental Commission for drafting the resolution and to Action Wheels bike shop co-owner Patty Woodworth for her tireless advocacy.
We hope that Wenonah's resolution can serve as a template for a resolution in your own town. Help us connect the Circuit by participating in the Circuit Committment Campaign.